So your say that the currency symbol is the stopper in all this... what a
limited program this is!
I think you guys need to develop and extend your ASCII association table.
Microsoft have an extended selection catering for pretty much 99% of all
symbols and accented characters.
In my eyes (
> From: Darren Myers []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 11:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Open Office lacking basic functions AGAIN!!
> So I have a spreadsheet...
> I have a cell in the spreadsheet...
> In this Cell there is a
> From: Max Merbald []
> your query. What you wrote is either text, not a number, as
> it contains
> a non-numerical symbol
is specific for pound?
If i enter in a German AOO:
<€>< ><-><8><3><,><0><4>
then automatically(!) is in the cell -83,04 €, and that is a
Here's the netiquette:
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Darren Myers
> So your say that the currency symbol is the stopper in all this... what a
> limited program this is!
> I think you guys need to develop and extend your ASCII associatio
Hi jan,
2015-01-26 16:14 GMT+01:00 jan i :
> If I have lost my credibility,
For me, you've never lost your credibility, because you are realistic and
not a dreamer.
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Real name: Aivaras Stepukonis
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