> > >>> very
>> > > >>> popular programs like iTunes, Rhapsody, and Spotify. Please
>> > > >>> visit
>> > > >>> doitblind.com for more information on them. Who can we speak
>> > > >>> with
>> > in
using much of this
Warm regards,
Reina Grosvalet
On 3/15/13, Waldorf PC wrote:
> Hi Rob:
> I wish I had seen your message before I saw Dennis's. I will merely
> disregard Open Office 3 and check out what you have sent me in this
> email. Let me know when you wish for
me to send these test cases to the list? Please let
me know.
Thank you so much for everything.
Warm regards,
Reina Grosvalet
On 3/15/13, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Waldorf PC wrote:
>> Hi there:
>> You are correct about the limited functionality of
>>>> as soon as you contact me, I can construct a detailed report that
>>>> contains each problem I see as well as provide detailed fixes to these
>>>> problems. It is my hope that Open Office becomes completely
ct me, I can construct a detailed report that
>> contains each problem I see as well as provide detailed fixes to these
>> problems. It is my hope that Open Office becomes completely
>> accessible, so people with disabilities can utilize this software and
>> enjoy its b
do whatever
I can to answer them.
Thank you so much again for making accessibility a priority. The
disabled community undoubtedly appreciates your efforts.
Warm regards,
Reina grosvalet
On 3/15/13, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Hello Reina,
> On 3/15/13 1:20 PM, Waldorf PC wrote: