time to finish. I expect to have everything done in the next couple
of days. We'll let you know :)
I wish you a nice week, talk to you soon.
All the best,
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Nicolas Christener, CEO | CTO, GPG KeyID: 0x5897DDEE05029923
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Office +41
o you can do this on your own. I'll have
a look and report back.
> Thanks for your help.
You're very welcome!
All the best,
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Nicolas Christener, CEO | CTO, GPG KeyID: 0x5897DDEE05029923
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Office +41 31 550 31 11 | Direct +41
urce/, times out.
> >
> > This makes it very unlikely I will be able to solve the RC2 OLE problem
> > before I go out of town for a few days starting on Thursday. I can use
> > find and grep instead, but it takes a lot longer
Freundliche Grüsse,
Nicolas Christ
get this running
> again? Or someone else at Adfinis SyGroup?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Marcus
Freundliche Grüsse,
Nicolas Christener
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Nicolas Christener, CEO | CTO, GPG KeyID: 0x5897DDEE05029923
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Office +41 31 550
y, up and running - if someone would like to have
a look at it, feel free to contact us on a...@adfinis-sygroup.ch an we'll
gladly provide you with an SSH account so you can get your hand dirty ;)
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Nicolas Christener, Bereichsl