g Mac should have to answer.
> I'm sorry, I've also no Mac to check this.
> Marcus
> Original-Nachricht ----
>> Betreff: Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website
>> Datum: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 18:51:44 +0100
along with
> OpenOffice. I'd say you've been quite helpful - thank you for this!
> Max
> Am 09.03.2014 18:24, schrieb Kathelijne Rickert:
> I think I have found the reason why I downloaded Genio (and after checking
> the www, I'm not the only one).
ed above) I was downloading something called "Genio"
instead of OpenOffice...
Is there a bug?
What should I do?
Did y by any chance install malware on my computer?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Kind regards,
Kathelijne Rickert