
2016-04-20 Thread Chris Sirrs
Hello, My name is Chris. I am a recent university graduate from Canada interested in pursuing a career in technical writing. As such, I am interested in the opportunity of creating technical documentation for open source projects like Open Office as a means of acquiring experience. As I move th

Completed Infrastructure Module

2016-04-19 Thread Chris Sirrs
Moving onto the specialized modules now -Chris

Starting Infrastructure Module

2016-04-19 Thread Chris Sirrs

Completed Introduction to Contributing to Apache OpenOffice Module

2016-04-19 Thread Chris Sirrs
I've gotten myself registered on the recommended online services and have added my info to the volunteer directory. Chris

[CWiki] Account Whitelisting

2016-04-19 Thread Chris Sirrs
Hello, My full name is Chris Sirrs. My username is Satyrane. Thanks