Hi All,
During the last weeks I did some work on the handles
(markers/cropmarkers) for AOO.
The resulting bitmaps are exports from SVGs that can be found here:
I added two new elements and modified the code accordingly.
Until this point
I think that making my proposal an extension of AOO is a bad idea, I rather
thought that it should be part of the software because the problem of an
extension is that it does not install automatically. Moreover, this could
improve the gallery to make it much more interesting and complete, wi
Hi Peter, Xavier,
Am 22.04.23 um 09:03 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
> Hi Xavier,
> I like the idea! But I would like this to be an extension.
Yes, an extension would be the better way.
It could be released independent from any AOO version. Honestly, we are
struggling for years to get 4.2.0 out. :-(
Hi all,
I came across
And it got me thinking. I would like to advertise for help. But so far
our on boarding quota is really bad, since we relay on the volunteers
long term motivation.
so i would like to call f
Hi Xavier,
I like the idea! But I would like this to be an extension.
And we need to think about how we enable users to use extensions and fix
some bugs around the issue.
all the best
Am 21.04.23 um 10:24 schrieb Xavier Verbrèghe:
Hello, I wanted to share with you my idea that I jus