I can't help noticing that Apache OpenOffice turns 10 as a top level
project at the ASF today...
Happy birthday everybody, and keep up the good work!
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For a
+1 for this move. nice move Damjan.
I read through the patch and it looks nice on first glance.
How about we create a ticket and a (PR) branch for this?
This would help to collaborate on this point. we could maybe push out a
test version quickly to create regression tests
All the best
On 15/10/22 Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
We currently use 2 XML libraries in our C/C++ code, expat and libxml2.
This is unnecessary, one of them can be removed, and I propose we
remove expat.
+1 from me; as you explain, keeping expat would need additional effort
too due to the compiler issues, so t
And thank you Damjan for your continued effort!
> On 10/15/2022 5:21 PM WEST Matthias Seidel wrote:
> Hi Damjan,
> I am not a developer, so I can't comment on the technical issues.
> But generally I like the idea of reducing dependencies and simplifying the
> co