Reporting broken download link

2018-02-23 Thread Dennis Dobry
502 Gateway Problem Using Windows 7 *Problem description* *Exchange this text to describe the problem (What does not work? What do you expect?)* *Browser variables**Values* navigator.appCodeName Mozilla navigator.appName Netscape navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows) navigator.platform Win64 naviga

Reporting broken download link

2018-02-23 Thread Gilbert Herman
Get message “502 Bad Gateway” when trying to downloadversion 4.1.5 using Google Chrome. Running Windows 10.   | Problem description | Exchange this text to describe the problem  (What does not work? What do you expect?) | | Browser variables | Values | | navigator.appCodeName | Mozilla | | na

Reporting broken download link

2018-02-23 Thread Rhodus Nobo
Problem description Exchange this text to describe the problem (What does not work? What do you expect?) Browser variables Values navigator.appCodeName Mozilla navigator.appName Netscape navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome