On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 1:44 PM, lucker zheng wrote:
> Sorry to trouble, I met a problem when I want to install RDO newton version,
> after installed the rdo-release-newton.rpm, it links to repo
> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/openstack-newton/
> seems no rpm avaiable there, is t
On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 9:06 AM Neal Gompa wrote:
> Hey all,
> It's been several years since OpenStack has been part of the Fedora
> distribution. Since then, a number of things have changed.
> Some of the major ones:
> * Python packaging has gotten better and easier in Fedora (the changes ar
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-06-06
Meeting started by mjturek at 15:00:14 UTC. The full logs are available
I'm sure that many of you already saw this -
If you knew Kathy, consider taking a moment to send a note to Tony.
I worked at a number of events with Kathy. She was always kind, and
always very organized, and kept things running smoothly
Just sliding in with my 2 cents which are off-topic to the discussion but...
I've always found it fascinating why one would completely remove
packages from official mirrors when the version is not supported anymore.
There will probably always be somebody that might be looking for them,
I've always