Thanks for the updates, Jason. Let me know if you have questions about use
case that brings up any of these scenarios.
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Jason Gustafson wrote:
> Hey Cliff,
> Thanks for the feedback. A few select comments:
> 1. The new Java KafkaConsumer doesn’t have a method
Hey Cliff,
Thanks for the feedback. A few select comments:
1. The new Java KafkaConsumer doesn’t have a method to return the high
>watermark (last offset in the topic/partition's log.
This is currently exposed in fetch responses, so we could add it to the
ConsumerRecords object. In general
While at the Kafka Summit I was asked to write up a list of challenges and
confusions my team encountered using Kafka. We are using and use
the new Java KakfaConsumer.
1. The new Java KafkaConsumer doesn’t have a method to return the high
watermark (last offset in the topic/partiti