sync replicas count in such a way that the replication
> > factor (either default or defined at the topic level) is strictly lower
> > than the property min.insync.replicas.
> >
> > We observed broker metrics reporting UnderReplicatedPartitions = 0 and
> > UnderMinP
> than the property min.insync.replicas.
> We observed broker metrics reporting UnderReplicatedPartitions = 0 and
> UnderMinPartitionIsrCount > 0, and the topic’s partitions were unavailable
> for producers (with ack=all) and consumers.
> Since it seems to be impossible in thi
reporting UnderReplicatedPartitions = 0 and
UnderMinPartitionIsrCount > 0, and the topic’s partitions were unavailable
for producers (with ack=all) and consumers.
Since it seems to be impossible in this scenario to ever reach the number
of in-sync replicas, making partitions permanently unavaila