Reg: Kafka ACLS

2017-01-25 Thread BigData dev
Hi, I have a question, can we use Kafka ACL's with only SASL/PLAIN mechanism. Because after I enabled, still I am able to produce/consume from topics. And one more observation is in kafka-_jaas.conf, there is no client section, will get an WARN as below, as we dont have this kind of mechanisim wit

Re: Reg: Kafka-Acls

2016-05-05 Thread parth brahmbhatt
Try the following /bin/ --topic permissiontopic --allow-host {host} --allow-principal User:dev --producer --add --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect={host:port} Thanks Parth On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 4:26 PM, BigData dev wrote: > Hi, > Thanks for Info. > It worked. > Acls are co

Re: Reg: Kafka-Acls

2016-05-05 Thread BigData dev
Hi, Thanks for Info. It worked. Acls are correctly set, but when i run the producer is throwing error, even if acl's are correctlt set. bin/ --broker-list --topic permissiontopic --producer.config jj [2016-05-05 16:02:23,308]

Re: Reg: Kafka-Acls

2016-05-05 Thread parth brahmbhatt
Acls will be written in zookeeper but you are using getAcl , what you need is get /kafka-acl/Topic/permissiontopic Thanks Parth On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:28 PM, BigData dev wrote: > Hi, > When I run the command > /bin/ --topic permissiontopic --add --allow-host {host} > --allow-p

Reg: Kafka-Acls

2016-05-05 Thread BigData dev
Hi, When I run the command /bin/ --topic permissiontopic --add --allow-host {host} --allow-principal User:dev --operation Write --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect={host:port} I am getting output as acls are set. But when i check under zookeeper using below command, it is not