Re: [VOTE] Apache Kafka Release 0.8.0 - Candidate 1

2013-11-03 Thread Joe Stein
I upgraded recently and forgot. We should stick with 6 that was my bad. let's cancel the vote and I will redo with Java 6 hopefully later today/tonight or tomorrow and call rc2 vote /*** Joe Stein Founder, Principal Consultant Big Data Open Source Se

Re: [VOTE] Apache Kafka Release 0.8.0 - Candidate 1

2013-11-02 Thread Jun Rao
Thanks for preparing the release. Is the binary release compiled with java 7? Got the following error using a java 6 runtime. bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: kafka/javaapi/cons

[VOTE] Apache Kafka Release 0.8.0 - Candidate 1

2013-10-31 Thread Joe Stein
Hello, This is the first candidate for release of Apache Kafka 0.8.0. Release Notes for the 0.8.0 release *** Please download, test and vote by Monday November, 4th, 9pm PDT Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use