[GitHub] kafka pull request #3907: KAFKA-4950: Fix ConcurrentModificationException on...

2017-09-19 Thread slaunay
GitHub user slaunay opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/3907 KAFKA-4950: Fix ConcurrentModificationException on assigned-partitions metric Code change: - prevent `java.util.ConcurrentModificationException` being thrown when fetching the consumer

[GitHub] kafka pull request #1507: KAFKA-3840; Allow clients default OS buffer sizes

2016-06-14 Thread slaunay
GitHub user slaunay opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1507 KAFKA-3840; Allow clients default OS buffer sizes Follow up on KAFKA-724 (#1469) to allow OS socket buffer sizes auto tuning for both the broker and the clients. You can merge this pull request

[GitHub] kafka pull request #1468: KAFKA-3790: Allow for removal of non specific ACLs

2016-06-03 Thread slaunay
GitHub user slaunay opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1468 KAFKA-3790: Allow for removal of non specific ACLs - remove ACLs with `aclMatch()` rather than `Object#equals(Object)` - remove unused session argument from `aclMatch()` to reuse it in

[GitHub] kafka pull request #1461: KAFKA-3783: Catch proper exception on path delete

2016-06-02 Thread slaunay
GitHub user slaunay opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1461 KAFKA-3783: Catch proper exception on path delete - ZkClient is used for conditional path deletion and wraps `KeeperException.BadVersionException` into `ZkBadVersionException` - add unit test

[GitHub] kafka pull request: KAFKA-3501: Console consumer process hangs on ...

2016-04-04 Thread slaunay
GitHub user slaunay opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1185 KAFKA-3501: Console consumer process hangs on exit - replace `System.exit(1)` with a regular `return` in order to release the latch blocking the shutdown hook thread from shutting down the JVM