r approach that each application developer code their
> logic using a Kafka Streams library would be better.
> That being said, I am very interested in comparing Kafka Streams
> performance with Flink and Storm in Yahoo streaming benchmarks. If you are
> interested in doing so plea
> -Matthias
> On 04/17/2016 01:29 PM, rss rss wrote:
> > Ok... Is it really perform distribution of the field to several instances
> > of a cluster? I expected to see some way via ProcessorContext...
> > But
tupleList.forEach(x -> {
> > String[] tuple = x;
> > String campaign_id = tuple[0];
> > String event_time = tuple[2];
> >
> this.campaignProcessorCommon.execute(campaign_id, event_time);
> >
I'm implementing yahoo streaming benchmark with Kafka streaming
processing. How to pass a string into Processor or ValueTransformer
instance? Accordingly to yahoo benchmark logic I need to transfer an
address of Redis server.