Offsets in Kafka producer start with -1 for new topic

2017-10-29 Thread Thakrar, Jayesh
I created a new Kafka topic with 1 partition and then sent 10 messages using the KafkaProducer API using the async callback. What I saw was that the offsets in the RecordMetadata for the first record was -1. Shouldn't it be 0 as offsets start with 0? Is it a bug or works as expected? Thanks, Ja

Re: Unable to locate auto.create.topics.enable=true path for KafkaProducer

2016-09-22 Thread Thakrar, Jayesh
Umesh, That is a Kafka broker level config/parameter and not part of the producer. Jayesh On 9/22/16, 3:09 AM, "UMESH CHAUDHARY" wrote: Hi Mates, I was trying to understand that if auto.create.topics.enable=true then how KafkaProducer first creates the topic and sends messages to

RE: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafka broker command -

2016-05-11 Thread Thakrar, Jayesh
Thanks Gwen - yes, I agree - let me work on it, make it available on github and then I guess we can go from there. Thanks, Jayesh -Original Message- From: Gwen Shapira [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:26 PM To:; Jayesh Thakrar Cc: Users