u think we got enough to move forward on this as a KIP?
El mar, 11 feb 2025 a las 16:00, Armando Soriano ()
> Hi there,
> The PoC is here https://github.com/asorian0/kafka-admin-poc. I just found
> that I was using kafka 3 instead of 4 and it seems that changes i
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownMemberIdException: The coordinator
is not aware of this member.
The point is that we're actually sending the same data than when it is
working on version 3.5.2.
Back to you soon with the interceptor updates.
El lun, 10 feb 2025 a las 10:05, Armando Soriano ()
member or "all" members from the group. Since dynamic members have
> randomly assigned IDs, I'm curious how you plan to pause a specific dynamic
> consumer. More specifically, how does the administrator obtain the (random)
> member ID? I assume this is achieved by comparing
Hi there,
I'm working in a java service that allows managing consumer group's
members, specially to pause/resume them on demand. After checking here and
there it seems that the actual AdminClient makes this feasible through
removeMembersFromConsumerGroup method [