> for the change of the KIP. I will come up with a solution to throttle
> replica movement when a broker is moving a "leader" replica.
Thanks. It looks great.
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 3:30 AM, Alexey Ozeritsky
> wrote:
23.01.2017, 22:11, "Dong Lin" :
> Thanks. Please see my comment inline.
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:45 AM, Alexey Ozeritsky
> wrote:
>> 13.01.2017, 22:29, "Dong Lin" :
>> > Hey Alexey,
>> >
>> > Thanks for your review
this case the write speed to topicPartition.move and topicPartition.log will
be the same so this will allow us to move many partitions to one disk.
> And to answer your question, yes topicpartition.log refers to
> topic-paritition/segment.log.
> Thanks,
> Dong
> On Fri, J
We have the similar solution that have been working in production since 2014.
You can see it here:
The idea is very simple
1. Disk balancer runs in a separate thread inside scheduler pool.
2. It does not touch
22.08.2016, 19:16, "Tom Crayford" :
> Hi,
> I don't think I understand *why* you need this. Kafka is by default a
> distributed HA system that balances data and leadership over nodes. Why do
> you need to change this?
In fact, kafka does not balance anything. It uses static partition distrib