I think @chenlax has encounter the same problem with me in
us...@kafka.apache.org with titile "How recover leader when broker restart".
cc to us...@kafka.apache.org.
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:10 PM, 鞠大升 wrote:
> @Jun Rao, Kafka version:
> @Guozhang Wang, I can not
[2014-07-09 15:07:02,972] INFO [PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector]:
Current leader -1 for partition [org.mobile_nginx,25] is not the preferred
replica. Trigerring preferred replica leader election
hi, all
I have a topic with 32 partitions, after some reassign operation, 2
partitions became to no leader and isr.
Topic:org.mobile_nginx PartitionCount:32 ReplicationFactor: