Hi Somesh,
But while trying so we are seeing following exception :
> hadoop fs -ls s3a://somesh.qa.bucket/ -:
This has nothing to do with Hive as such, You have configured Hadoop S3
client wrong, you are missing configs, your hadoop ls command itself is
failing, there is no Hive involved here.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
>From my side, I have a say only on the code that resides in the Hive
repository. I am okay with the first approach, as we are already
following it for the most part. Whether Iceberg keeps or drops the
code shouldn’t have much impact on us. (I
to collaborate and
assist in finding workable solutions.
On Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 20:15, Ayush Saxena wrote:
> > Let me know if the above doesn't make any sense, though!
> To be honest, it doesn’t. The email feels accusatory, unfairly blaming
> the Hive community fo