[DISCUSS] Spec change to fix snapshot-logs reset issue when replacing tables in REST catalog

2024-12-15 Thread Yuya Ebihara
REST catalog resets snapshot-logs when replacing tables as I filed https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/11777. The cause is `RESTSessionCatalog.Builder#replaceTransaction` calls `TableMetadata#buildReplacement` which adds a `RemoveSnapshotRef` request, and then REST `CatalogHandlers.commit` cl

Re: [DISCUSS] Hive Support

2024-12-15 Thread Manu Zhang
Hi Daniel, I'll start a vote once I get the PR ready. Hi Ryan, Sorry, I wasn't clear in the last email that the consensus is to upgrade Hive metastore support. Well, I was too optimistic about the upgrade. Spark has only added hive 4.0 metastore support recently for Spark 4.0[1] and there will be