Currently we have a 'static' 2 level manifest structure. If we introduce
the 'everything is a manifest' concept then we will remove the limit on the
levels. This would prevent concurrent reading of the embedded manifests (if
the table has 5 levels of embedded manifests the reader needs to read thos
Would cadding the ability to have a list of manifest lists solve this
problem? This might be an incremental step to getting to "everything" is a
For now I wanted to reuse the existing manifest-list and manifests fields.
Regardless of the outcome, please let's not re-use a field in a w
Thanks for your feedback.
About your concerns Fokko:
1. Generally the number of manifest files in the manifests field
shouldn't get too large. But I think you can already improve the write
amplification and conflict resolution with using up to 10 manifest
files. The fact that the manifests fi
I would much rather we switch to the "everything is a manifest approach.
Instead of manifest lists we only ever have manifests. A Manifest can then
link to data files or additional manifests. In the case of streaming then
you only ever have to read and write a single manifest. If we couple this
Hi Jan,
Thanks for sending out this proposal. While reading through it, two
questions pop up:
- You mentioned repurposing the manifests field. Currently, this field
contains a list of paths that point to the manifest data. Would this
also be your suggestion? This way, when committing the