Hi Austin
I agree. The idea is to have a ingestion layer with a kind of mix of Apache
Camel (for EIPs), Apache Beam like IOs, etc.
I started a PoC powered by Apache Karaf Minho like runtime.
I should be able to share a first more concrete proposal by next week
(sorry still no electricity at home
Just a little comment that I imagine there would be massive value from an
ingestion layer.
Making it easier to add more integrations will be a great benefit for the
ecosystem, adoption.
Concretely, FWIW, I'm evaluating Iceberg [ and alternatives ] for an
enterprise adoption, and existing integra
Hi Bryan
I would like to follow up about kafka connect sink donation.
If you don't mind, I would like to propose a PR (on the tabular repo)
with the changes we would need for the donation into the Apache
Iceberg repo.
I should have time to work on this next week.
Thoughts ?
I think we have to keep it "clear and simple" as possible.
I would prefer to have one diagram per spec version (to be clear in the
So, I would rather keep the current diagram (working for v1) and add a new
one v2 centric.
It would be great to have a "side by side" presentation, somethi