Re: [DISCUSS] Flink range partitioner/shuffle

2023-06-05 Thread Steven Wu
> I don't quite see why `StructTransformation` would preserve nesting For sorting purposes, there is no need to preserve nesting. > make it simpler by just using a SortKey, `SortKey` sounds good to me. > How would you run a transformation and get back the original row? There is no way to get

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink range partitioner/shuffle

2023-06-05 Thread Ryan Blue
I don't quite see why `StructTransformation` would preserve nesting. Aren't you basically running something that would create a new row from an existing one, optionally transforming the values at the same time? How would you run a transformation and get back the original row? How would nested field

Call for Presentations, Community Over Code Asia 2023

2023-06-05 Thread Rich Bowen
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