Re: Questions regarding RestCatalog adoption

2023-02-09 Thread Ryan Blue
There were a few different reasons for building the REST catalog: 1. Standardize an interface for catalogs, like the Hive Thrift API. This makes customization easy: you don’t need to get Dremio or Athena to put your custom catalog’s Jar in their classpath. It also makes catalogs across

Re: Questions regarding RestCatalog adoption

2023-02-09 Thread Jack Ye
Most of the development of REST catalog comes from Tabular at this moment, I will let them comment more about this. Speaking from AWS perspective, we have been recommending REST catalog for organizations that have their internal in house catalog systems. The REST catalog provides a really well-des

Questions regarding RestCatalog adoption

2023-02-09 Thread Xinyi Lu
Hi Community, We’ve been evaluating the RestCatalog and want to know your feedback on what’s the best scenarios for using RestCatalog and the current adoption status in the industry. Will this be the iceberg catalog standard going forward to encourage users to move metadata transactions to the

Meeting Minutes from 2023-02-08 Iceberg Sync

2023-02-09 Thread Eduard Tudenhoefner
Hi Iceberg Community, Here are the minutes and recording from our Iceberg Sync. Always remember, anyone can join the discussion so feel free to share the Iceberg-Sync google group with anyone seeking an invite. The notes and the agenda are posted in the

[ANNOUNCE] Apache PyIceberg release 0.3.0

2023-02-09 Thread Driesprong, Fokko
Hi there, I'm pleased to announce the release of Apache PyIceberg 0.3.0! Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets. Iceberg delivers high query performance for tables with tens of petabytes of data, along with atomic commits, concurrent writes, and SQL-compatible table evo

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache PyIceberg 0.3.0

2023-02-09 Thread Driesprong, Fokko
Thanks everyone for voting. With 3 binding votes the vote passes and we can release PyIceberg 0.3.0. Many thanks everyone for testing the release and contributing to the code! Votes +1: Amogh Jahagirdar (non-binding) Prashant Singh (non-binding) Jack Ye (binding) Daniel Weeks (binding) Eduard Tude