Hi Padma, Gautam, All,
Our (Samarth's and mine) wip vectorized code is here:
Dan, can you please merge it to 'vectorized-read' branch when you get a
chance? Thanks!
On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 10:49 AM Ryan Blue
Hey folks,
A quick question: InclusiveMetricsEvaluator doesn't check null counts in
qt/gtEq/lt/ltEq predicates as opposed to ParquetMetricsRowGroupFilter, meaning
files containing only null values will always match. Am I correct that it's on
purpose and we expect query engines to always infer i
You're right that the 10k and similar numbers indicate the batch size.
Scores can be interpreted using the "units" column at the end. In this
case, seconds per operation, so lower is better.
Error is the measurement error. This indicates confidence that the actual
rate of execution is, for e
Great, thanks for working on this, Saisai!
On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 7:38 PM Saisai Shao wrote:
> I'm still looking into this, to figure out a way to add HIVE_LOCKS table
> in the Spark side. Anyway I will create an issue first to track this.
> Best regards,
> Saisai
> Ryan Blue 于2019年8月9日周五 上