[REQUEST] Add apache/horaedb-committers to crate owner

2023-12-26 Thread tison
Hi, I suggest we add apache/horaedb-committers to horaedb related crate owner, like horaedbproto. WDYT? Best, tison. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@horaedb.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h

Re: [DISCUSS] Release Apache HoraeDB Proto, incubating, v2.0.0

2023-12-29 Thread tison
SGTM. Recently I learn sth new for conveying ASF branding. Here is the patch for what we can improve [1]. It's better we include it in our first release :D Best, tison. [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-horaedb-proto/pull/121 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2023年12月29日周五 17:16写道: > > He

Re: [DISCUSS] Release Apache HoraeDB Proto, incubating, v2.0.0

2024-01-02 Thread tison
We may move forward the release. I don't see certain blocker now :D Best, tison. tison 于2023年12月30日周六 15:41写道: > > SGTM. > > Recently I learn sth new for conveying ASF branding. Here is the patch > for what we can improve [1]. It's better we include it in our fi

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0

2024-01-02 Thread tison
-1 binding The source artifacts should contains incubating in name. I suggest you use the name: * apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-2.0.0.tar.gz Also, GPG sign and checksum are missing. Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月3日周三 14:15写道: > > Hello, Apache HoraeDB(incubating) Com

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0

2024-01-02 Thread tison
apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-2.0.0-src.tar.gz, or apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-v2.0.0-src.tar.gz Best, tison. tison 于2024年1月3日周三 14:16写道: > > -1 binding > > The source artifacts should contains incubating in name. > > I suggest you use the name: > > * apache-horaed

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0

2024-01-02 Thread tison
Yep. Please cancel this vote if you agree that this contains issues to fix. And start a new RC round. Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月3日周三 14:20写道: > > Thanks, I will try to fix it. > > tison 于2024年1月3日周三 14:19写道: > > > apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-2.0.0-src.

Re: [QUESTION] Can the code be changed during the vote?

2024-01-03 Thread tison
You need to start a new release candidate (RC). Once a RC is packed and voted on, it should be immutable. Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月3日周三 17:27写道: > > Hello Community, > If I need to cherry-pick some main branch code during the vote, is it > necessary to re-vo

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 3

2024-01-04 Thread tison
r:2.0.0 [ERROR]2) io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:exe:osx-aarch_64:1.23.0 [ERROR] [ERROR] -- [ERROR] 1 required artifact is missing. [ERROR] [ERROR] for artifact: [ERROR] org.apache.horaedb:horaedb-proto-internal:jar:2.0.0 While it's not a blocker, we should think of upgrading protoc & gr

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 3

2024-01-04 Thread tison
One more thing, you should check the Maven staging works properly. I'm afraid that the current setting may not work perfectly. Please try following this doc[1] and provide a staging preview for org.apache.horaedb:horaedb-proto-internal:jar:2.0.0. Best, tison. [1] https://curator.apach

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 3

2024-01-04 Thread tison
I'm preparing a fix. To Zuliang: For Maven settings, please refer to [2] also. Best, tison. [2] https://curator.apache.org/community/new-committers#maven-settings 王祖亮 于2024年1月4日周四 17:10写道: > > I'm currently trying to publish > org.apache.horaedb:horaedb-proto-internal:ja

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 3

2024-01-04 Thread tison
-1 binding Let's fix the Java Maven artifacts staging issue. Best, tison. 王祖亮 于2024年1月4日周四 17:22写道: > > Thank you for your help. I will continue to follow up on this issue. Maybe > we can solve this problem in parallel and try to solve it as soon as > possible. If there is any

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-01-04 Thread tison
If you stage Maven artifacts, please contain the link in the vote email. Otherwise, you can stage it on the tag voted now. Hi Zuliang, When sending +1 to a release vote, please contains exactly what you verified. Best, tison. 王祖亮 于2024年1月5日周五 14:10写道: > > +1 binding. > > 谭睿翔(Ruix

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-01-05 Thread tison
> Do we need to start a new vote channel to add the Maven staging rep's link? No. But if we later run a vote in general@incubator.a.o, you can include this info in the first mail. Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月5日周五 16:55写道: > > Do we need to start a new vote channel to

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-01-05 Thread tison
+1 binding + Download links valid + Checksum and signature matched + LICENSE and NOTICE present + DISCLAIMER present + Can compile from source + Staging Maven artifacts look correct Best, tison. tison 于2024年1月5日周五 17:01写道: > > > Do we need to start a new vote channel to add the Mave

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-01-07 Thread tison
Hi Xikai, When sending +1 to a release vote, please contain exactly what you verified. Best, tison. 魏熙凯 于2024年1月8日周一 10:29写道: > > +1 binding > > 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月8日周一 10:27写道: > > > > +1 binding > > > > + Download links valid > > + Checks

Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-01-11 Thread tison
What is the status here? Shall we drop the staged release 2.0.0 and restart a new vote, or we will move to the Incubator vote? Please keep dev@ updated. Best, tison. 魏熙凯 于2024年1月9日周二 20:50写道: > > Hi, > > I find there is one field called `request_id_str` in the proto > definitio

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0.rc.5 - Vote Round 5

2024-01-15 Thread tison
+1 binding + Download links valid + Checksum and signature matched + LICENSE and NOTICE present + DISCLAIMER present + Can compile from source + Staging Maven artifacts look correct Hi Chunshao, When sending +1 to a release vote, please contain exactly what you verified. Best, tison. 任春韶 于

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0.rc.5 - Vote Round 5

2024-01-15 Thread tison
2.0.0.rc.5-srclicenserc.toml apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-v2.0.0.rc.5-srcprotos apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-v2.0.0.rc.5-srcrust-toolchain.toml apache-horaedb-proto-incubating-v2.0.0.rc.5-srcsrc Please check the packaging command and it's likely missing a slash. Best, tison. tison 于20

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0.rc.6 - Vote Round 7

2024-01-22 Thread tison
ame. "rc" is good to be contained in the tarball name, but not for the extracted folder. This is not a release blocker. Best, tison. 魏熙凯 于2024年1月22日周一 14:05写道: > > 魏熙凯 > +1 binding > > [x] Download links are valid > [x] Checksums and signatures > [x] LICENSE/NOTIC

Re: [Please Help Review][VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0-RC1 - Incubator Vote Round 1

2024-01-28 Thread tison
LGTM. Although we voted on a candidate named rc6 and now it's renamed to rc1, the content is identical. As a first release, I don't think it's a blocker. Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年1月29日周一 11:28写道: > > Below are the emails that will be sent to the incubator, ple

Re: [Vote] Maintain Horaemeta code in the HoraeDB repository

2024-01-29 Thread tison
+1 (binding) Best, tison. Wayne Xia 于2024年1月29日周一 16:25写道: > > +1 (binding) > > It's good to maintain highly related code in the same repo. > > Regards, > Ruihang > > On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 3:47 PM 任春韶 wrote: > > > The VOTE will pass after 3 binding a

Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB-Proto(incubating) v2.0.0-RC1 - Incubator Vote Round 1

2024-02-20 Thread tison
I've released the Maven artifacts closed and staged. Please remember to pull the trigger the next time :D Best, tison. 谭睿翔(Ruixiang Tan) 于2024年2月8日周四 13:28写道: > > The vote passes with 6 +1s and no negative votes. There were 3 binding +1s. > Vote Thread > https://lists.

Fwd - Incubation Report for February 2024

2024-02-23 Thread tison
Please fulfill the Incubation Report at [1] by the end of next week (2024-03-02). [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/February2024 Best, tison. -- Forwarded message - 发件人: tison Date: 2024年2月24日周六 10:44 Subject: [NOTICE] Incubation Report for February

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 1

2024-03-01 Thread tison
Hi xikai, Thanks for your verification :D > - Some files don't have ASF headers. Would you share the command and which files miss the headers? Best, tison. 魏熙凯 于2024年3月1日周五 15:09写道: > > -1 bindings. Here are the reasons: > - The NOTICE file doesn't exist. > -

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 1

2024-03-01 Thread tison
-1 Also we need a DISCLAIMER file. You can take a look at [1] and adjust the content if necessary. [2] is the related policy for why we need this file and how we should prepare one. Best, tison. [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-horaedb-proto/blob/main/DISCLAIMER [2] https

[NOTICE] HoraeDB podling report is ready

2024-03-04 Thread tison
Hi, Please check - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/March2024#horaedb And for mentors, please sign off if it looks good to you. For PPMC members, you can sync this info on list the next time. People may not keep an eye on the report page proactively. Best, tison

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 2

2024-03-07 Thread tison
hould give a closer look at the dependencies and their licenses, for 2.1 Add license/notice content if we use them in source form, ref [1] 2.2 Try to make a DEPENDENCY file like [2]; we'll make it for any binaries Best, tison. [1] https://github.com/apache/kv

Re: [Result][VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 4

2024-03-26 Thread tison
Cool. I encourage the RM (you) to vote for your release also, for the next time. Best, tison. 任春韶 于2024年3月26日周二 21:07写道: > Hello, Apache HoraeDB(incubating) Community, > The vote to release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0-RC5 has > passed. > > The vote PASSED with 3 +1 bindin

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) v2.0.0 - Vote Round 1

2024-04-01 Thread tison
If we're releasing the Java client, please include this info in the mail title. Otherwise it's confusing and conflicts with the major repo release. Best, tison. ZuliangWang 于2024年4月1日周一 16:35写道: > Hello, Apache HoraeDB(incubating) Community, > > This is a call for a vot

Add the DISCLAIMER to each page of our website

2024-04-25 Thread tison
the page layout to add the footer. Or we can instead migrate the website to other technology like Docusaurs [5] [6]. [5] https://github.com/apache/apache-website-template/tree/docusaurus [6] https://docusaurus.io/ Best, tison.

Re: Podling Horaedb Report Reminder - May 2024

2024-05-03 Thread tison
This still seems missing. Please remember to report. Best, tison. 于2024年4月18日周四 11:38写道: > Dear podling, > > This email was sent by an automated system on behalf of the Apache > Incubator PMC. It is an initial reminder to give you plenty of time to > prepare your quarter

Re: What is sufficient Incubation notification for Git repos?

2024-05-23 Thread tison
e. [4] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-25790 I can see that either: 1. Inline the DISCLAIMER content in the README; or, 2. Add a link to the '(Incubating)' words to the DISCLAIMER. should work. cc dev@horaedb.a.o for their information and participation. Please keep general@in

Re: What is sufficient Incubation notification for Git repos?

2024-05-23 Thread tison
A concrete proposal for the HoraeDB situation: https://github.com/apache/incubator-horaedb/pull/1535 Best, tison. tison 于2024年5月24日周五 08:03写道: > Hi, > > This is a discussed topic at [1]. > > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/kxvdkrf8g8yr6hww1n08r21xdy67y4ok > > I agre

Re: What is sufficient Incubation notification for Git repos?

2024-05-25 Thread tison
130634831 Best, tison. tison 于2024年5月24日周五 13:16写道: > A concrete proposal for the HoraeDB situation: > https://github.com/apache/incubator-horaedb/pull/1535 > > Best, > tison. > > > tison 于2024年5月24日周五 08:03写道: > >> Hi, >> >> This is a discu

Re: What is sufficient Incubation notification for Git repos?

2024-05-25 Thread tison
OK. My major intention is to sync the discussion to the list. If "lazy consensus" is too eager to use, I'm OK to make it clear that it's still encouraged for everyone on the list to give more inputs :D Best, tison. sebb 于2024年5月25日周六 16:26写道: > On Sat, 25 May 2024

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache HoraeDB(incubating) python client v2.0.0 - Vote Round 1

2024-12-03 Thread tison
+1 binding I checked * Download links are valid * Checksum and signature match * "incubating" in name * LICENSE/NOTICE/DISCLAIMER exists and valid * No binary files * Can compile from source Best, tison. 鲍金日 于2024年11月30日周六 18:07写道: > > +1 binding. > > [*] Do