[DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Rui Fan
Hi all, Xuannan(cced) and I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-405: FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption[1]. As Flink progresses to 2.0, we want to enhance the user experience with the existing configuration. In FLIP-77, Flink introduced ConfigOption with DataType and

[Discuss] FLIP-407: Improve Flink Client performance in interactive scenarios

2023-12-26 Thread xiangyu feng
Hi devs, I'm opening this thread to discuss FLIP-407: Improve Flink Client performance in interactive scenarios. The POC test results and design doc can be found at: FLIP-407

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33942) DelegatingConfiguration misses the perfix for some methods

2023-12-26 Thread Rui Fan (Jira)
Rui Fan created FLINK-33942: --- Summary: DelegatingConfiguration misses the perfix for some methods Key: FLINK-33942 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33942 Project: Flink Issue Type:

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration

2023-12-26 Thread Lijie Wang
Hi Zakelly, Thanks for driving the discussion. 1. >> But I'm not so sure since there is only one savepoint-related option. Maybe someone else could share some thoughts here. How about state.savepoints.dir -> execution.checkpointing.savepoint.dir state.checkpoints.dir -> execution.checkpointing.c

Re: [SUMMARY] Flink 1.19 Release Sync 12/12/2023

2023-12-26 Thread Lincoln Lee
Hi devs, Happy holidays to you all! Since most RMs are not available for today‘s meeting, and there were no new attendees after waiting 10min at google meet, today's sync was skipped. Here's the brief summary for 1.19 release: - *Features & issues tracking* There're 5 weeks until the feature f

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Xintong Song
Thanks for the efforts, Rui and Xuannan. I think it's a good idea to migrate string-key configuration accesses to ConfigOption-s in general. I have a few suggestions / questions regarding the FLIP. 1. I think the default value for `TASK_MANAGER_LOG_PATH_KEY` should be "no default". We can explai

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Rui Fan
Thanks Xintong for the quick feedback and the good suggestions! > 1. I think the default value for `TASK_MANAGER_LOG_PATH_KEY` should be "no > default". We can explain in the description that if not configured, > `System.getProperty("log.file")` will be used, but that is not a default > value. Ex

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Rui Fan
In addition to what is written in FLIP, I found some methods of Configuration are not necessary. And I wanna hear more thoughts from all of you. Configuration has a `public T get(ConfigOption option)` method. Could we remove all `Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption configOption)` methods? Such as: - public i

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Xintong Song
> > These features don't have a public option, but they work. I'm not sure > whether these features are used by some advanced users. > Actually, I think some of them are valuable! For example: > > - ConfigConstants.YARN_CONTAINER_START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE > allows users to define the start command o

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Xintong Song
> > Configuration has a `public T get(ConfigOption option)` method. > Could we remove all `Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption configOption)` methods? Note: all `public void setXxx(ConfigOption key, Xxx value)` methods > can be replaced with `public Configuration set(ConfigOption option, > T value)` as we

Re: [PROPOSAL] Contribute Flink CDC Connectors project to Apache Flink

2023-12-26 Thread Nicholas Jiang
Awesome! Big +1. Regards, Nicholas Jiang On 2023/12/07 03:24:59 Leonard Xu wrote: > Dear Flink devs, > > As you may have heard, we at Alibaba (Ververica) are planning to donate CDC > Connectors for the Apache Flink project[1] to the Apache Flink community. > > CDC Connectors for Apache Flink

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33943) Apache flink: Issues after configuring HA (using zookeeper setting)

2023-12-26 Thread Vijay (Jira)
Vijay created FLINK-33943: - Summary: Apache flink: Issues after configuring HA (using zookeeper setting) Key: FLINK-33943 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33943 Project: Flink Issue

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33944) Apache Flink: Process to restore more than one job on job manager startup from the respective savepoints

2023-12-26 Thread Vijay (Jira)
Vijay created FLINK-33944: - Summary: Apache Flink: Process to restore more than one job on job manager startup from the respective savepoints Key: FLINK-33944 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33944

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33945) Cleanup usage of deprecated org.apache.flink.table.api.dataview.ListView#ListView

2023-12-26 Thread Jacky Lau (Jira)
Jacky Lau created FLINK-33945: - Summary: Cleanup usage of deprecated org.apache.flink.table.api.dataview.ListView#ListView Key: FLINK-33945 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33945 Project:

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33946) RocksDb sets setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown to true to speed up Task Cancel

2023-12-26 Thread Yue Ma (Jira)
Yue Ma created FLINK-33946: -- Summary: RocksDb sets setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown to true to speed up Task Cancel Key: FLINK-33946 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33946 Project: Flink

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-403: High Availability Services for OLAP Scenarios

2023-12-26 Thread Zhanghao Chen
Thanks for driving this effort, Yangze! The proposal overall LGTM. Other from the throughput enhancement in the OLAP scenario, the separation of leader election/discovery services and the metadata persistence services will also make the HA impl clearer and easier to maintain. Just a minor commen

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33947) Fix bugs in DelegatingConfiguration missed the prefix mapping

2023-12-26 Thread RocMarshal (Jira)
RocMarshal created FLINK-33947: -- Summary: Fix bugs in DelegatingConfiguration missed the prefix mapping Key: FLINK-33947 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33947 Project: Flink I

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration

2023-12-26 Thread Zakelly Lan
Hi everyone, Thanks all for your comments! @Yanfei > 1. For some state backends that do not support incremental checkpoint, > how does the execution.checkpointing.incrementaloption take effect? Or > is it better to put incremental under state.backend.xxx.incremental? > I'd rather not put the opt

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33948) Cleanup usage of org.apache.flink.table.api.dataview.MapView#MapView

2023-12-26 Thread Jacky Lau (Jira)
Jacky Lau created FLINK-33948: - Summary: Cleanup usage of org.apache.flink.table.api.dataview.MapView#MapView Key: FLINK-33948 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33948 Project: Flink

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-397: Add config options for administrator JVM options

2023-12-26 Thread Zhanghao Chen
Thanks everyone. I'll start voting after the New Year's holiday if there's no further comment. Best, Zhanghao Chen From: Benchao Li Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 21:18 To: dev@flink.apache.org Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-397: Add config options for administrat

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Xuannan Su
Hi Xintong and Rui, Thanks for the quick feedback and the suggestions. > 1. I think the default value for `TASK_MANAGER_LOG_PATH_KEY` should be "no > default". I have considered both ways of describing the default value. However, I found out that some of the configurations, such as `web.tmpdir`,

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration

2023-12-26 Thread Lijie Wang
Hi Zakelly, >> I'm wondering if `execution.checkpointing.savepoint-dir` would be better. `execution.checkpointing.dir` and `execution.checkpointing.savepoint-dir` are also fine for me. >> So I think an enumeration option `execution.checkpointing.mode` which can be 'full' (default) or 'incrementa

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption

2023-12-26 Thread Hang Ruan
Hi, Rui Fan. Thanks for this FLIP. I think the key of LOCAL_NUMBER_TASK_MANAGER is better as 'minicluster.number-of-taskmanagers' or 'minicluster.taskmanager-number' instead of 'minicluster.number-taskmanager'. Best, Hang Xuannan Su 于2023年12月27日周三 12:40写道: > Hi Xintong and Rui, > > Thanks for

[jira] [Created] (FLINK-33949) METHOD_ABSTRACT_NOW_DEFAULT should be both source compatible and binary compatible

2023-12-26 Thread Wencong Liu (Jira)
Wencong Liu created FLINK-33949: --- Summary: METHOD_ABSTRACT_NOW_DEFAULT should be both source compatible and binary compatible Key: FLINK-33949 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33949 Proj

Re: [VOTE] Release flink-connector-pulsar 4.1.0, release candidate #1

2023-12-26 Thread Qingsheng Ren
+1 (binding) - Verified checksum and signature - Checked that no binary exists in source code release - Checked Maven staging repository contains expected JARs - Checked release note - Built from source locally - Reviewed web PR Thanks for the effort, Leonard! Best, Qingsheng On Thu, Dec 21,

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration

2023-12-26 Thread Zakelly Lan
Hi Lijie, Thanks for the reminder! I missed this. Considering the name occupation, how about naming it as `execution.checkpointing.type`? Actually I think the current `execution.checkpointing.mode` is confusing in some ways, maybe `execution.checkpointing.data-consistency` is better. Best, Zak

[VOTE] FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink

2023-12-26 Thread Yong Fang
Hi devs, Thanks for all feedback about the FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink [1] which has been discussed in [2]. I'd like to start a vote for it. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours unless there is an objection or insufficient votes. [1] https://cwiki.apac

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-397: Add config options for administrator JVM options

2023-12-26 Thread Yong Fang
+1 for this, we have met jobs that need to set GC policies different from the default ones to improve performance. Separating the default and user-set ones can help us better manage them. Best, Fang Yong On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 9:18 PM Benchao Li wrote: > +1 from my side, > > I also met some sc

Re: [VOTE] FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink

2023-12-26 Thread Xintong Song
+1 (binding) Best, Xintong On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 2:54 PM Yong Fang wrote: > Hi devs, > > Thanks for all feedback about the FLIP-398: Improve Serialization > Configuration And Usage In Flink [1] which has been discussed in [2]. > > I'd like to start a vote for it. The vote will be open for

Re: [VOTE] FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink

2023-12-26 Thread Zhanghao Chen
+1 (non-binding) Best, Zhanghao Chen From: Yong Fang Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 14:54 To: dev Subject: [VOTE] FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink Hi devs, Thanks for all feedback about the FLIP-398: Improve Serialization Con