Jiabao Sun created FLINK-32966:
Summary: [JUnit5 Migration] Module: flink-table-planner
Key: FLINK-32966
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32966
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Improv
Jiabao Sun created FLINK-32967:
Summary: [JUnit5 Migration] Module: flink-table-planner
Key: FLINK-32967
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32967
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Sub-ta
Hi Xuannan,
Thanks for the proposal. +1 for me.
There is one tiny thing that I am not sure if I understand it correctly.
Since there will be many different WatermarkStrategies and different
WatermarkGenerators. Could you please update the FLIP and add the
description of how the watermark lag is c
Fang Yong created FLINK-32968:
Summary: Update doc for customized catalog listener
Key: FLINK-32968
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32968
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Improvement
Lyn Zhang created FLINK-32969:
Summary: IfCallGen Bug
Key: FLINK-32969
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32969
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Lyn Zhang
Thanks for all the feedback and discussion everyone. Looks like we have
reached a consensus here.
Just to summarize:
1. Introduce a new *ReferenceExpression* (or *BaseReferenceExpression*)
abstract class which will be extended by both *FieldReferenceExpression*
and *NestedFieldReferenceExpression
Hi thanks all for your discussion.
What is inputIndex in NestedFieldReferenceExpression?
I know inputIndex has special usage in FieldReferenceExpression, but
it is only for Join operators, and it is only for SQL optimization. It
looks like there is no requirement for Nested.
On M
So if NestedFieldReferenceExpression doesn't need inputIndex, is there
a need to introduce a base class `ReferenceExpression`?
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 2:09 PM Jingsong Li wrote:
> Hi thanks all for your discussion.
> What is inputIndex in NestedFieldReferenceExpression?
> I