My build this morning pulled down an official(?) 1.2-SNAPSHOT from
Since we have no immediate need to deviate from master branch I think we’re in
good shape getting maven dependencies this way and using the dist prof
I checked the flink-clients/pom.xml file and I could not find any recent
changes that could cause such an error.
However, the only other project that is using the create-test-dependency
goal is the flink-batch connectors project, which has been removed in
master recently.
It could be that this cha
Hi Steve,
I think this part of (our release script) is
mvn clean deploy -Prelease,docs-and-source --settings deploysettings.xml
-DskipTests -Dgpg.executable=$GPG -Dgpg.keyname=$GPG_KEY
-Dgpg.passphrase=$GPG_PASSPHRASE -DretryFailedDeploymentCount=10
I think -Prele
At People Pattern we’ve been using flink 1.x releases in production since June
We’re now at the point where we want to incorporate some of the bleeding edge
features before official releases.
I’ve forked flink from master, done a build on my local environment, then built