Thank you! I'm implementing now using implicit parameters.
2016-04-05 7:14 GMT+02:00 Chiwan Park :
> Note that you should use `createTypeInfomation[T]` method in
> `org.apache.flink.api.scala` package object to create `TypeInformation` for
> Scala specific types such as case classes or tuples.
Note that you should use `createTypeInfomation[T]` method in
`org.apache.flink.api.scala` package object to create `TypeInformation` for
Scala specific types such as case classes or tuples.
Chiwan Park
> On Apr 5, 2016, at 1:53 AM, Stephan Ewen wrote:
> Hi!
> In Scala, the retur
In Scala, the return TypeInformation is passed as an implicit parameter.
You can always explicitly pass an implicit parameter, that would be the way
to pass the return type explicitly in Scala.
To create the TypeInformation, use the TypeInformation.of(...) methods.
Hope that helps!
I'm writing a custom serializer so I need to call the
returns(TypeInformation) method after a reduce method, but it isn't
available in the scala api, only in the java api.
Do you have any suggestions how to go around this and still call the
correct deserializer?