回复:回复:[DISCUSS] [FLINK-23122] Provide the Dynamic register converter

2021-06-24 Thread 云华
override the type conversion . -- 发件人:Timo Walther 发送时间:2021年6月24日(星期四) 21:06 收件人:dev 主 题:Re: 回复:[DISCUSS] [FLINK-23122] Provide the Dynamic register converter Hi Jack, thanks for sharing your proposal with us. I totally understand the issue

Re: 回复:[DISCUSS] [FLINK-23122] Provide the Dynamic register converter

2021-06-24 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Jack, thanks for sharing your proposal with us. I totally understand the issues that you are trying to solve. Having a more flexible type support in the connectors is definitely a problem that we would like to address in the mid term. It is already considered in on our internal roadmap pla

回复:[DISCUSS] [FLINK-23122] Provide the Dynamic register converter

2021-06-24 Thread 云华
@Jark Wuthanks reply. However Several case I want to cover: 1, Unknown types CITEXT: Flink SQL cannot exexute "CREATE TABLE string_table (pk SERIAL, vc VARCHAR(2), vcv CHARACTER VARYING(2), ch CHARACTER(4), c CHAR(3), t TEXT, b BYTEA, bnn BYTEA NOT NULL, ct CITEXT, PRIMARY KEY(pk));". this