I'm canceling the RC to fix the artifact versioning.
Greg raises a good point, and the required changes are minimal.
I will create another RC later today.
On 24.07.2017 10:22, Stephan Ewen wrote:
There is no real pressure, true.
I was simply checking the mandatory constraints for the release.
There is no real pressure, true.
I was simply checking the mandatory constraints for the release. and leave
it to Chesnay to make the call whether to release or adjust the naming
scheme of the artifacts.
The other two points raised in the "improvements mail" are not really
important in any way.
Is there a pressing need to get the release out quickly? This being the first
release, would it be better to change the versioning now to prevent future
confusion? Even if Flink is the only intended consumer we’ll still be
publishing the jars.
> On Jul 23, 2017, at 9:41 AM, Stephan Ewen wrote
The release is technically correct, so
+1 for the release
- LICENSE and NOTICE are good
- Shaded artifacts add their licenses to the artifact where needed
- no binaries in the release
I will send another mail with suggestions for improving things for future
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017
Thanks a lot for preparing the release artifacts.
While checking the source repo / release commit, I realized that you are
not following the versioning scheme as flink:
the current master has a "x.y-SNAPSHOT" version, and release candidates
(and releases) get a x.y.z version. I wonder if it makes s
Here's a list of things we need to check:
* correct License/Notice files
* licenses of shaded dependencies are included in the jar
* the versions of shaded dependencies match those used in Flink 1.4
* compilation with maven works
* the assembled jars only contain the shaded dependency and no
Dear Flink community,
Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Flink-shaded
version 1.0.
The commit to be voted in:
The release artifacts to be voted on