arn flink, he
> will setup a small cluster firstly, maybe he wo't want to setup a huge
> system, perfer to a small system
> >>
> >>
> >> regardsLongda
> >>
> >>
> ------------------------------From:Aljoscha
> Krettek Send Time:2016年6月29日(星期三) 21:48To:封仲淹(纪君祥) <
> zhongyan.f...@aliba
he will
>> setup a small cluster firstly, maybe he wo't want to setup a huge system,
>> perfer to a small system
>> regardsLongda
>> --------------------------------------From:Aljoscha
>> Krettek Send Time:20
different job's tasks can run in the single process.
In my opinion the streaming process can be perfectly simulated on a
single node. You can setup a message distribution system like Kafka on a
single node, you can run Spark on a single node and the only thing you
need to change when running it
't want to setup a huge system, perfer to a small system
--From:Aljoscha Krettek
Send Time:2016年6月29日(星期三) 21:48To:封仲淹(纪君祥)
; dev Subject:Re: [Discuss] Why
different job's tasks can run in the single proce
> Krettek Send Time:2016年6月29日(星期三) 21:48To:封仲淹(纪君祥) <
>>; dev Subject:Re:
> [Discuss] Why different job's tasks can run in the single process.
> Hi,
> yes, you are definitely right that allowing to run multiple user c
Krettek Send Time:2016年6月29日(星期三) 21:48To:封仲淹(纪君祥)
; dev Subject:Re:
[Discuss] Why different job's tasks can run in the single process.
yes, you are definitely right that allowing to run multiple user code tasks
in the same TaskManager JVM is not good for stability
yes, you are definitely right that allowing to run multiple user code tasks
in the same TaskManager JVM is not good for stability. This mode is still
there from the very early days of Flink where Yarn was not yet available.
In a production environment I would now recommend to always run one
hi ,
Sorry for asking the quest here? Any answer will be apprecated.
Why different job's tasks can run in the single process. (There are some
different job's tasks in one TaskManager).It seems Flink-on-Yarn can let
different job run on different process. But for standalone mode, this problem