Hi Sebastian,
Thank you for updating the FLIP page. It looks good and I think you
can start a VOTE.
On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 10:57 AM Sebastian Mattheis
> Hi everybody,
> I have updated FLIP-217 [1] and have implemented the respective changes in
> [2]. Please review. If there a
Hi everybody,
I have updated FLIP-217 [1] and have implemented the respective changes in
[2]. Please review. If there are no concerns, I would initiate the voting
on Thursday.
Best regards,
Thanks for the update Sebastian :)
pon., 25 lip 2022 o 08:12 Sebastian Mattheis
> Hi everybody,
> I discussed last week the semantics and an implementation stragegy of the
> configuration parameter with Piotr and did the implementation and some
> tests this weekend.
Hi everybody,
I discussed last week the semantics and an implementation stragegy of the
configuration parameter with Piotr and did the implementation and some
tests this weekend.
A short summary of what I discussed and recapped with Piotr:
- The configuration parameter allows (and tolerates)
Hi Sebastian,
Thank you for updating the FLIP and sorry for my delayed response. As
Piotr pointed out, we would need to incorporate the fallback flag into
the design to reflect the outcome of the previous discussion.
Based on the current FLIP and as detailed by Becket, the
SourceOperator coordina
Thanks for the explanation, Sebastian. I understand your concern now.
1. About the major concern. Personally I'd consider the coarse grained
watermark alignment as a special case for backward compatibility. In the
future, if for whatever reason we want to pause a split and that is not
supported, i
Hi Becket, Hi Thomas, Hi Piotrek,
Thanks for the feedback. I would like to highlight some concerns:
1. Major: A configuration parameter like "allow coarse grained
alignment" defines a semantic that mixes two contexts conditionally as
follows: "ignore incapability to pause splits in Sourc
Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for updating the FLIP wiki.
Just to double confirm, I was thinking of a configuration like
"allow.coarse.grained.watermark.alignment". This will allow the coarse
grained watermark alignment as a fallback instead of bubbling up an
exception if split pausing is not supported in
Hi Piotrek,
Sorry I've read it and forgot it when I was ripping out the
supportsPauseOrResume method again. Thanks for pointing that out. I will
add it as follows: The enables/disables split alignment in the
SourceOperator where the default is that split alignment is enabled. (And I
will add the
Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for picking this up.
> 5. There is NO configuration option to enable watermark alignment of
splits or disable pause/resume capabilities.
Isn't this contradicting what we actually agreed on?
> we are planning to have a configuration based way to revert to the
previous behavi
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all the effort that went into this discussion. The split
level watermark alignment will be an important feature for Flink that
will address operational problems for various use cases. From reading
through this thread it appears that not too much remains to bring this
Hi Becket,
Thanks for summing this up. Just one correction:
> Piotr prefers option 2, his opinions are:
> e) It is OK that the code itself in option 2 indicates the developers
that a feature is optional. We will rely on the documentation to correct
that and clarify that the feature is actually
I had an offline discussion with Piotr and here is the summary. Please
correct me if I miss something, Piotr.
There are two things we would like to seek more opinions from the
community, so we can make progress on this FLIP.
1. The General pattern to add obligatory features to existing interfaces
Hi Becket,
I still sustain what I wrote before:
> I think I would still vote soft -1 on this option, but I wouldn't block
it in case I am out-voted.
> I think it might be helpful to agree on the definition of optional in our
For me it doesn't matter whether a default method throwing an exc
Thanks for the clarification, Piotr and Sebastian.
It looks like the key problem is still whether the implementation of
pausable splits in the Sources should be optional or not.
I think it might be helpful to agree on the definition of optional in our
case. To me:
Optional = "You CAN leave the me
Actually previously I thought about having a decorative interface and
whenever watermark alignment is enabled, checking that the source
implements the decorative interface. If not, throwing an exception.
The option with default methods in the source interfaces throwing
Hi Becket,
Thanks a lot for your fast and detailed response. For me, it converges and
dropping the supportsX method sounds very reasonable to me. (Side note:
With "pausable splits" enabled as "default" I think we misunderstood. As
you described now "default" I understand as that it should be the n
Hi Sebastian,
Thank you for the summary. Please see the detailed replies inline. As a
recap of my suggestions.
1. Pausable splits API.
a) Add default implementations to methods "pauseOrResumeSplits" in both
SourceReader and SplitReader where both default implementations throw
Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for the reply and patient discussion. I agree this is a tricky
> Nevertheless, Piotr has valid concerns about Option c) which I see as
> follows:
> (1) An interface with default NOOP implementation makes the implementation
> optional. And in my opinion, a default i
Hi Piotr, Hi Becket, Hi everybody,
we, Dawid and I, discussed the various suggestions/options and we would be
okay either way because we find neither solution is perfect just because of
the already present complexity.
Option c) Adding methods to the interfaces of SourceReader and SplitReader
Hi Guowei,
as Dawid wrote a couple of messages back:
> This is covered in the previous FLIP[1] which has been already
implemented in 1.15. In short, it must be enabled with the watermark
strategy which also configures drift and update interval
So by default watermark alignment is disabled, regar
We know that in the case of Bounded input Flink supports the Batch
execution mode. Currently in Batch execution mode, flink is executed on a
stage-by-stage basis. In this way, perhaps watermark alignment might not
gain much.
So my question is: Is watermark alignment the default behavior(for
Hi Becket and Dawid,
> I feel that no matter which option we choose this can not be solved
entirely in either of the options, because of the point above and because
the signature of SplitReader#pauseOrResumeSplits and
SourceReader#pauseOrResumeSplits are slightly different (one identifies
splits w
Thanks for the reply and patient discussion, Piotr and Dawid.
Is there any reason for pausing reading from a split an optional feature,
other than that this was not included in the original interface?
To be honest I am really worried about the complexity of the user story
here. Optional features
Hi Becket,
Is this feature really non-optional? If so, adding those methods with
default implementation just defeats that purpose. On the other hand, if a
Source doesn't support pausing splits, the system would work. Arguably
watermark alignment would not, and maybe that would deserve logging some
Hi Piotr,
Thanks for the comment.
Just to clarify, I am not against the decorative interfaces, but I do think
we should use them with caution. The main argument for adding the methods
to the SourceReader is that these methods are effectively NON-OPTIONAL to
SourceReader impl, i.e. starting from t
Sorry for chipping in so late, but I was OoO for the last two weeks.
Regarding the interfaces, I would be actually against adding those methods
to the base interfaces for the reasons mentioned above. Clogging the base
interface for new users with tons of methods that they do not need, do not
Thanks for the reply Sebastian and Dawid,
I think Sebastion has a good summary. This is a really helpful discussion.
Thinking a bit more, I feel that it might still be better to add the
supportsXXX() method in the Source rather than SourceReader.
Generally speaking, what we are trying to do here
Thanks @Sebastian for the nice summary.
I think most of your points aligned with the suggestions I made to the
FLIP, while you were writing your reply (I believe we hit enter nearly
at the same time ;) )
Two points after we synced offline
1. I changed also the supportsWatermarksSplitAlignmen
Hi folks,
Sorry for being a bit silent. Many thanks for all the input and
suggestions. As I'm a bit new, I needed some time to catch up and structure
(for myself) the discussion and I wanted to find a way to structure the
conclusions. (Also because I had the feeling that some concerns got lost in
While I also like Becket's capability approach, I fear that it doesn't work
for this particular use case: Sources can always be aligned cross-task and
this is just about intra-task alignment. So it's plausible to put sources
into an alignment group even though they do not use
Thanks for pushing this effort.
I'd actually be in favor of 1b). I fully agree that decorator interfaces
should be avoided but I'm also not a big fan of overloading the base
interfaces (they are hard to implement as is). The usual feedback to
Source-related interfaces are always that they are over
a) "MySourceReader implements SourceReader, WithSplitsAlignment", along
with "MySplitReader implements SplitReader, WithSplitsAlignment", or
b) "MySourceReader implements AlignedSourceReader" and "MySplitReader
implements AlignedSplitReader", or
c) "MySourceReader implements SourceR
Thanks for the comment, Jark.
3. Interface/Method Name.
> Can the interface be used to align other things in the future? For example,
> align read speed, I have
> seen users requesting global rate limits. This feature may also need an
> interface like this.
> If we don't plan to extend this interf
Thank Dawid for the reminder on FLIP-182. Sorry I did miss it.
I don't have other concerns then.
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 at 15:40, Dawid Wysakowicz
> @Jark:
> 1. Will the framework always align with watermarks when the source
> implements the interface?
> I'm afraid not every ca
1. Will the framework always align with watermarks when the source
implements the interface?
I'm afraid not every case needs watermark alignment even if Kafka
implements the interface,
and this will affect the throughput somehow. I agree with Becket
we may need a
Thanks for the effort, Dawid and Sebastian!
I just have some minor questions (maybe I missed something).
1. Will the framework always align with watermarks when the source
implements the interface?
I'm afraid not every case needs watermark alignment even if Kafka
implements the interface,
and thi
Hi Dawid,
Thanks for the explanation. Apologies that I somehow misread a bunch of
"align" and thought they were "assign".
Regarding 1, by default implementation, I was thinking of the default no-op
implementation. I am a little worried about the proliferation of decorative
interfaces. I think the
As part of this FLIP, the `AlignedSplitReader` interface (aka the stop &
resume behavior) will be implemented for Kafka and Pulsar only, correct?
Correct, as far as I know though, those are the only sources which
consume concurrently from multiple splits and thus alignment ap
Thanks for driving the effort, Sebastion. I think the motivation makes a
lot of sense. Just a few suggestions / questions.
1. I think watermark alignment is sort of a general use case, so should we
just add the related methods to SourceReader directly instead of
introducing the new interface of Wi
> However, a single source operator may read data from multiple
splits/partitions, e.g., multiple Kafka partitions, such that even with
watermark alignment the source operator may need to buffer excessive amount
of data if one split emits data faster than another.
For this part from the motivation
Thanks for working on this!
I wonder if "supporting" split alignment in SourceReaderBase and then doing
nothing if the split reader does not implement AlignedSplitReader could be
misleading? Perhaps WithSplitsAlignment can instead be added to the
specific source reader (i.e. KafkaSourceReader) to
Hi Sebastian, Hi Dawid,
As part of this FLIP, the `AlignedSplitReader` interface (aka the stop &
resume behavior) will be implemented for Kafka and Pulsar only, correct?
+1 in general. I believe it is valuable to complete the watermark aligned
story with this FLIP.
To be explicit, having worked on it, I support it ;) I think we can
start a vote thread soonish, as there are no concerns so far.
On 13/04/2022 11:27, Sebastian Mattheis wrote:
Dear Flink developers,
I would like to open a discussion on FLIP 217 [1] for an extension of
Dear Flink developers,
I would like to open a discussion on FLIP 217 [1] for an extension of
Watermark Alignment to perform alignment also in SplitReaders. To do so,
SplitReaders must be able to suspend and resume reading from split sources
where the SourceOperator coordinates and controlls suspen
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