Hi everyone,
@Rong: Yes, that's what I meant. Package private and protected modifiers
and fields will be moved to internal implementation.
The hierachy would look like:
trait TableEnvironment {
def fromTableSource(source: TableSource[_]): Table
def registerExternalCatalog(name: String, ex
Hi Shuyi,
I am already assuming all package private and protected modifiers will be
cleaned up and moved to internal implementation. Please correct me if I
were wrong, Timo.
On Fri, Mar 2, 2018, 5:02 PM Shuyi Chen wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> I am throwing some second thoughts here, as
Hi Timo,
I am throwing some second thoughts here, as I don't quite see what trait
provides over abstract class here for TableEnvironment case. Trait in scala
can also have implementation and you can have 'private[flink]' or
'protected' type and method in trait as well.
AFAIK, the differences bet
Hi Timo,
Thanks for looking into this Timo. It's becoming increasingly messy for my
trying to locate the correct functions in IDE :-/
This is probably due to the fact that Scala and Java access modifiers /
qualifiers are subtly and fundamentally different. Using Trait might be the
best solution h
Hi everyone,
I'm currently thinking about how to implement FLINK-8606. The reason
behind it is that Java users are able to see all variables and methods
that are declared 'private[flink]' or even 'protected' in Scala. Classes
such as TableEnvironment look very messy from the outside in Java. S