Hi Zili,
thank you for adding these threads :) I would have otherwise picked them up
next week, just couldn't put everything into one email.
On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 11:07 PM Zili Chen wrote:
> Hi Konstantin and all,
> Thank Konstantin very much for reviving this tradition
Hi Konstantin and all,
Thank Konstantin very much for reviving this tradition! It reminds
me of the joyful time I can easily catch up interesting ongoing threads.
Thanks for Till's work, too.
Besides exciting updates and news above, I'd like to pick up
some other threads you guys may be intereste
Dear community,
last year Till did a great job on summarizing recent developments in the
Flink community in a "Weekly community update" thread. I found this very
helpful and would like to revive this tradition with a focus on topics &
threads which are particularly relevant to the wider community