Re: Sliding Window - Weird behaviour

2017-04-13 Thread madhairsilence
Hi Xingcan Thanks for the answer. But up to my understanding countWindow(4,2) - Should wait for 4 elements (or window not more than 4 element) and once the window is ready, slide two items Now if I have to stopped asking why questions and worry about my current problem, how do I achieve this exp

Sliding Window - Weird behaviour

2017-04-13 Thread madhairsilence
I have a datastream 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 I applied a sliding countWindow as inputStream.keyBy("num").countWindow(2,1) I expect an output as 1,2 2,3 3,4 But am getting an output as 1 1,2 2,3 3,4 Why does the data slide first and then accumulate the window size -- View this message in context: h

Splitting input stream in to multiple windows and process individually

2017-04-12 Thread madhairsilence
I have a Datastream . I have to apply window function as 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour...24 hour. And each split has its own window function to be done How do I split the window in an efficient way. The dirtiest way I can think of is for(int i=1; i < 24 ;i++){ inputStream.keyBy("id").timeWindow(Time

Splitting input stream in to multiple windows and process individually

2017-04-12 Thread madhairsilence
down vote favorite I have a Datastream . I have to apply window function as 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour...24 hour. And each split has its own window function to be done How do I split the window in an efficient way. The dirtiest way I can think of is for(int i=1; i < 24 ;i++){ inputStream.keyBy("i

Re: DataStream and CEP - Pattern not matching after applying a window

2017-01-08 Thread madhairsilence
Hi..Thanks for the reply. I can see the pattern is not getting data. So what correct I have to do. I want to apply the pattern only after the window function is executed. Sorry to say, I could hardly get any info from the documentation. -- View this message in context: http://apache-flink-m

Re: DataStream and CEP - Pattern not matching after applying a window

2017-01-07 Thread madhairsilence
Anybody?. Got kinda stuck here :( -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flink Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at Nabble.c

DataStream and CEP - Pattern not matching after applying a window

2017-01-06 Thread madhairsilence
//Creating a window of ten items /WindowedStream windowStream = inputStream.keyBy("rackId").countWindow(10);/ // Applying a Window Function , adding some custom evaluating all the values in the window /DataStream inactivityStream = windowStream.apply(new WindowFunction() {

Re: Categorize or GroupBy datastream data and process with CEP separately

2017-01-04 Thread madhairsilence
Thanks for you reply and absolutely apologies for my insanity Thats the place I confuse a lot. The keyedstream, processe by unique key. But as per the example is see, I can make a pattern like temperature > 90...temperature > 80... within 'T' minutes. What am trying to achieve ,is "Temperate

Re: Categorize or GroupBy datastream data and process with CEP separately

2017-01-04 Thread madhairsilence
This is my code. *SplitStream splitStream = inputStream.split(new OutputSelector() { @Override public Iterable select(MonitoringEvent me) { List ml = new ArrayList(); ml.add(me.getEventType()); return ml; }* I have

Re: Categorize or GroupBy datastream data and process with CEP separately

2017-01-04 Thread madhairsilence
Hi Thanks for the response. But sorry . Am not sure how is it inline with my requirement Right now, am using SplitterStream to split it based . Which helps me splitting the response to separate streams. The problem is I have a dynamic set of splitstream . the x, y, z is not predefined. It can e

Re: Datastream splitter - Confusing behaviour

2017-01-03 Thread madhairsilence
Spot on. Thanks for the explanation and pointing out the bug in the code -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flink Mailing List archive. mailing list archi

Categorize or GroupBy datastream data and process with CEP separately

2017-01-03 Thread madhairsilence
Assume I have a datastream *x:1, y:2 , z:3 , x:7 , y:-1, z:0, z:3 , z:2, y:3 ,x: 2 ,y:6* How do I put x,y,z in their own bucket and apply my CEP rule on it. *x:1, x:7,x: 2 y:2, y:-1, y:3 , y:6 z:3, z:0 , z:3, z:2* Or to put it in other way. How do I split the stream in to these categories(one st

Datastream splitter - Confusing behaviour

2017-01-03 Thread madhairsilence
This is my code /DataStream someIntegers = env.fromElements(1,2,3,4); SplitStream s = someIntegers.split(new OutputSelector() { List out = new ArrayList(); @Override public Iterable select(In