the IDE. A separate window clause is simpler for users
> coming
> > > from the DataStream background (or other streaming APIs) and it is more
> > > discoverable in the IDE.
> > >
> > > - I like the idea of having separate ".window()" and ".rowWindow()&
>> .map(f=>(f, 1L, 1L))
>> val sql = tblEnv.sql("SELECT Stream * FROM Order WHERE userID='A'")
>> So in my opinion, the grammar which is marked red should be compatible
>> with calcite's StreamSQL grammar.
>> By the w
Hi zhangrucong,
I am not sure what you mean by "table API'S StreamSQL", I guess you mean
"stream TableAPI"?
TableAPI should be compatible with calcite SQL. (By compatible, My
understanding is that both TableAPI and SQL will be translated to the same
logical plan - the same set of REL and REX).