Hi Anton,
I was involved in writing the scala-shell,
my initial idea was to just write a very small job and try to execute it
and see if something comes back.
I did not have time in the end to implement it.
Just if you need a pointer how this could be done..
2017-02-08 1
Hi Trevor,
this is a bug and was introduced before the streaming shell:
I suspect something changed somewhere else in the Flink code that breaks
the scala shell.
In the scala shell tests executing the same program twice is not done so it
went unnot
Hi guys,
I've integrated streaming in zeppelin for flink.
It works using the scala shell, which I extended to support the streaming
Unfortunately the scala-shell for streaming is not yet included in the
Flink-master, and changed a bit upon public request since I implemented the
Hi guys,
I'm trying to connect flink streaming and zeppelin,
however if I try to resubmit a streaming program from zeppelin I receive a
Is there a way to cancel a running Streaming Job ?
And would cancelling the Streami
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Apparently The Scala Shell compiles the Shell input to some kind of virtual
It should be possible to create a jar from it's content and then hand it
over to Flink for execution in some way.
I will further investigate..
2015-04-15 11:20 GMT