Thanks for confirming! Honestly I support to treat timestamp field as
special and restrict modification (the way DataStream API does), but I
agree the new approach could be more natural to unify the semantic of SQL
for both batch and stream.
Thanks again,
Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
On Tue, Apr
. (I basically refer to timestamp assigner instead of watermark
assigner though.)
- Jungtaek Lim
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:37 AM Jark Wu wrote:
> Hi Jungtaek,
> Kurt has said what I want to say. I will add some background.
> Flink Table API & SQL only supports to define proces
flexibility, and there're
drawbacks on latter (there're also drawbacks on former as well, but
computed column may cover up).
Thanks in advance!
Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
Jungtaek Lim created FLINK-12578:
Summary: Use secure URLs for Maven repositories
Key: FLINK-12578
Project: Flink
Issue Type
I've already submitted similar kind of patch without explicit JIRA issue ( so I guess you don't need to
file one.
Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
2018년 7월 10일 (화) 오전 8:57, NEKRASSOV, ALEXEI 님이 작성:
> Does such a change require JI
Jungtaek Lim created FLINK-9742:
Summary: Widen scope of Expression.resultType to 'public'
Key: FLINK-9742
Project: Flink