Bruno Cadonna created FLINK-30740:
Summary: INSERT to Kafka does not work when Kafka config
{{auto.create.topics.enabled}} is set to false
Key: FLINK-30740
>> can already do it.
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Stephan Ewen
>> wrote:
>>> This is a pretty central question, actually (timestamping the
>>> results of windows). Let us kick off a separate thread for
>>> this...
mation available somehow.
> I only have some rough Ideas about how this might work, but I
> would first like to discuss whether others even think this
> necessary. So fire away...
> Cheers, Aljoscha
- --
Dr. Bru
5 at 2:52 PM, Bruno Cadonna <
>> wrote:
> Hi Gyula,
> I read your comments of your PR.
> I have a question to this comment:
> "It only allows aggregations so we dont need to keep the full
> history in a buffer."
gt; 2015-04-21 10:57 GMT+02:00 Gyula Fóra :
>>>> Hi Bruno,
>>>> Of course you can do that as well. (That's the good part :p
>>>> )
>>>> I will open a PR soon with the proposed changes (first
> behaviour) so I would try to push it before the release if we can
> agree.
> Cheers, Gyula
- --
Dr. Bruno Cadonna
Postdoctoral Researcher
Databases and Information Systems
Department of Computer Science
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
ar future. Inside the window, you can sort all records by
> time and have a full ordering. That is independent of the order of
> the stream.
> How about this as a first goal?
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Bruno Cadonna <
>> wrote:
hink two partitioning steps), they
>>> frequently dadlock completely.
>>> - The only way to do that is by stalling/buffering/punctuating
>>> streams continuously, which is a lot of work to implement and
>>> will definitely
>> cost
ome very flexible way of defining
> window joins. With this we could also define grouped windowing
> inside if a join. An example of this would be: Join all elements of
> Stream1 with the last 5 elements by a given windowkey of Stream2 on
> some join key.
> This feature can