Ah indeed, very thanks Zhipeng for the check! I'll then cancel this candidate
and initial the next one.
--Original Mail --
Sender:Zhipeng Zhang
Send Date:Thu Dec 30 12:02:46 2021
CC:Yun Gao
Subject:Re: [VOTE] Apache Flink ML Release
LiChang created FLINK-25484:
Summary: TableRollingPolicy do not support inactivityInterval
config which is supported in datastream api
Key: FLINK-25484
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25484
陈磊 created FLINK-25483:
Summary: When FlinkSQL writes ES, it will not write and update the
null value field
Key: FLINK-25483
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25483
Project: Flink
Hi Yun,
Thanks for the release!
I found that the NOTICE and license of `flink-ml-uber` is wrong since
`flink-ml-uber` does not use `com.github.fommil.netlib:core:1.1.2` anymore.
Rather, we are using `dev.ludovic.netlib:blas:2.2.0` in flink-ml-core. I
have created a PR to remove the NOTICE and li
Hi Jing,
Thanks for your explanation!
1. For the hint name, +1 for WenLong's proposal. I think the `SHUFFLE`
keyword is important in a classic distributed computing system,
a hash-join usually means there's a shuffle stage(include shuffle
hash-join, broadcast hash-join). Users only need to pas
Hi Jing,
AFAIK most of the pain is caused by lack of backward compatibility (binary).
And to make sure I'm not adding to the confusion: It would be
necessary to be able to run the iceberg connector built against Flink
1.12 with a Flink 1.13 distribution. That would solve most problems
miaojianlong created FLINK-25482:
Summary: Hive Lookup Join with decimal type failed
Key: FLINK-25482
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25482
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Hi Piotrek,
thanks for asking. To be honest, I hope it could be good enough if Flink
could only provide backward compatibility, which is easier than providing
forward compatibility described in the proposal. That is also one of the
reasons why I started this discussion. If, after the discussion, t
I've created draft PR for the desired changes [1]. It might be easier to
take a look at than the branch.
[1] https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/18237
On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 3:22 PM Till Rohrmann wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to start a discussion about using the workin
Yuhao Bi created FLINK-25481:
Summary: SourceIndex comparison in SplitEnumeratorContextProxy
Key: FLINK-25481
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25481
Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Martijn Visser created FLINK-25480:
Summary: Create dashboard/monitoring to see resource usage per E2E
Key: FLINK-25480
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25480
Project: Flink
Hi Jink,
I haven't yet fully reviewed the FLIP document, but I wanted to clarify
> Flink Forward Compatibility
> Based on the previous clarification, Flink forward compatibility should
mean that Flink jobs or ecosystems like external connectors/formats built
with newer
> Flink version
Hi Jing,
Thanks for explaining this in more detail and also to others
> I think using query hints in this case is more natural for users, WDYT?
Yes, I agree. As long as we properly explain in our documentation that we
support both Query Hints and Table Hints, what's the difference
Hi Jian gang,
Thanks for the feedback.
> When it comes to hive, how do you load partial data instead of the
whole data? Any change related with hive?
The question is same as Yuan mentioned before.
I prefer to drive another FLIP on this topic to further discussion
individually because this poin
Yun Tang created FLINK-25479:
Summary: Changlog materialization with incremental checkpoint
cannot work well in local tests
Key: FLINK-25479
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25479
Hi everyone,
with great interest I have read all discussions [1][2][3] w.r.t. the (API?)
compatibility issues. The feedback coming from the Flink user's point of
view is very valuable. Many thanks for it. In these discussions, there were
many explanations that talked about backward and forward com
Yun Tang created FLINK-25478:
Summary: Changelog materialization with incremental checkpoint
could cause checkpointed data lost
Key: FLINK-25478
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25478
Hi Wenlong,
Thanks for the feedback.
I've checked similar syntax in other systems, they are all different from
each other. It seems to be without consensus.
As mentioned in FLIP-204, oracle uses a query hint, the hint name is
'use_hash' [1].
Spark also uses a query hint, its name is 'SHUFFLE_HASH'
Thank you for the proposal, Jing. I like the idea to partition data by some
key to improve the cache hit. I have some questions:
1. When it comes to hive, how do you load partial data instead of the
whole data? Any change related with hive?
2. How to define the cache configuration? For ex
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
You are right that most people tend to use high-level API for
interactive data exploration. Actually, there is
the FLIP-36 [1] covering the cache API at Table/SQL API. As far as I
know, it has been accepted but hasn’t been implemented. At the time
Hi Xuannan,
thanks for drafting this FLIP.
One immediate thought, from what I've seen for interactive data exploration
with Spark, most people tend to use the higher level APIs, that allow for
faster prototyping (Table API in Flink's case). Should the Table API also
be covered by this FLIP?
Hi devs,
I’d like to start a discussion about adding support to cache the
intermediate result at DataStream API for batch processing.
As the DataStream API now supports batch execution mode, we see users
using the DataStream API to run batch jobs. Interactive programming is
an important use case
Hi, Jing, thanks for driving the discussion.
Have you made some investigation on the syntax of join hint?
Why do you choose USE_HASH from oracle instead of the style of spark
SHUFFLE_HASH, they are quite different.
People in the big data world may be more familiar with spark/hive, if we
need to ch
Hangxiang Yu created FLINK-25477:
Summary: The directory structure of the State Backends document is
not standardized
Key: FLINK-25477
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25477
Project: F
Hi Jing,
Thanks for your detail reply.
1) In the last suggestion, hash by primary key is not use for raising the cache
hit, but handling with skew of left source. Now that you have 'skew' hint and
other discussion about it, I'm looking forward to it.
2) I mean to support user defined partitio
zoucao created FLINK-25476:
Summary: CharType lost in the creation of MaxAggFunction &
Key: FLINK-25476
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25476
Project: Flink
Issue T
ChangjiGuo created FLINK-25475:
Summary: When windowAgg and groupAgg are included at the same
time, there is no assigner generated but MiniBatch optimization is still used.
Key: FLINK-25475
URL: https://issues.apach
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