Re: neo4j - Flink connector

2015-10-31 Thread Martin Junghanns
Hi, I wanted to give you a little update. I created a non-parallel InputFormat which reads Cypher results from Neo4j into Tuples [1]. It can be used like the JDBCInputFormat: String q = "MATCH (p1:Page)-[:Link]->(p2) RETURN id(p1), id(p2)"; Neo4jInputFormat> neoInput = Neo4jInputFormat.buildNe

Re: Scala 2.10/2.11 Maven dependencies

2015-10-31 Thread Alexander Alexandrov
My two cents - there are already Maven artifacts deployed for 2.11 in the SNAPSHOT repository. I think it might be confusing if they suddenly disappear for the stable release. 2015-10-29 11:58 GMT+01:00 Maximilian Michels : > Seems like we agree that we need artifacts for different versions of S