Re:RE: Re:Re: [PATCH] ip_frag: add IPv4 options fragment and unit test data

2022-02-11 Thread Huichao Cai
>AFAIK, we can't copy-paste code from Linux kernel. >As you noted it is under GPL, while DPDK is under BSD-3 license. Well, I'll rewrite the code. >Library routine has no idea would original IP packet will be used later or not. >In your particular case it might be not needed, but there might be

Re:RE: Re:Re: [PATCH] ip_frag: add IPv4 options fragment and unit test data

2021-12-02 Thread Huichao Cai
Perhaps performance is more important.This code comes from the linux kernel(5.10.9 and so on). :) It is more performance-focused based on comments. :)