Minutes 30 May 2019

* Release Dates
* Subtrees
* OvS
* Conferences
* Opens

* Debian/Microsoft
* Intel
* Marvell
* Mellanox
* Red Hat

Release Dates

* v19.08 dates:
  * Proposal/V1               Monday 03 June   2019  
  * Integration/Merge/RC1     Monday 01 July   2019  
  * Release                   Thurs  01 August 2019

  * Reminder to send roadmaps for the release, it helps planning
    * Intel and Arm already shared the roadmap
    * Marvell will have new PMDs and will provide a roadmap

* v19.11 proposed dates, *please comment*,
  * Proposal/V1               Friday 06 September 2019
  * Integration/Merge/RC1     Friday 11 October   2019
  * Release                   Friday 08 November  2019

  * Constrains:
    * PRC holidays on October 1-7 inclusive, rc1 shouldn't overlap with it
    * US DPDK Summit on mid November, better to have release before summit


* main
  * Nothing critical, weekly merge done, pulled from sub-trees
  * rte_ prefix patchset in master, may affect existing patches
  * KNI ethtool removal merged
  * meson fix by Bruce to fix daily Intel builds is waiting

* next-net
  * Merging patches, nothing critical
  * Two new PMDs submitted for this release, memif & hinic

* next-eventdev
  * Nothing merged yet for 19.08

* next-virtio
* next-crypto
* next-pipeline
* next-qos
  * no update received

* Stable trees
  * v18.11.2-rc1 is waiting for test
    * 11 June is the target release day
    * Red Hat and OvS (Ian) tested it
    * Waiting test from others like Intel & Mellanox etc..
    * Next week is only full week before target release date
    * Microsoft will test when possible


* 18.11.2-rc1 validation has been completed
* There is an OvS patch available to use af_xdp PMD, via 19.08.0-rc0


* DPDK Userspace summit: DPDK Userspace ยท Sept. 19-20, 2019
  * CFP Opens: Monday, April 29
  * CFP Closes: Friday, May 31

  * Reminder that CFP closes tomorrow

* US summit dates are not fixed yet


* There is a potential that 19.11 will be big, need to think about ways to
  reduce the risk of delay for the release

* New tool, public-inbox mail archive is enabled:

DPDK Release Status Meetings

The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss
the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to
track progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. If you wish to attend just
send an email to "John McNamara <john.mcnam...@intel.com>" for the invite.

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