This patch introduces new init_ops functions for X550EM_a and X550EM_x.
This makes it easier to assign function pointers with specific
dependencies (like media type) for each MAC.
Signed-off-by: Xiao Wang < at>
 drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.c  |  4 +-
 drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.h  |  2 +
 drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_x550.c | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.c 
index 5b721af..094ee52 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.c
@@ -106,8 +106,10 @@ s32 ixgbe_init_shared_code(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
                status = ixgbe_init_ops_X550(hw);
        case ixgbe_mac_X550EM_x:
+               status = ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_x(hw);
+               break;
        case ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a:
-               status = ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(hw);
+               status = ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_a(hw);
        case ixgbe_mac_82599_vf:
        case ixgbe_mac_X540_vf:
diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.h 
index 3aad1da..24c4ae8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_api.h
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_82599(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
 extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X540(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
 extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
 extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
+extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_x(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
+extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_a(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
 extern s32 ixgbe_init_ops_vf(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);

 s32 ixgbe_set_mac_type(struct ixgbe_hw *hw);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_x550.c 
index 5c09bfe..db12339 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_x550.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/base/ixgbe_x550.c
@@ -604,7 +604,6 @@ s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
        struct ixgbe_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
        struct ixgbe_eeprom_info *eeprom = &hw->eeprom;
        struct ixgbe_phy_info *phy = &hw->phy;
-       struct ixgbe_link_info *link = &hw->link;
        s32 ret_val;

@@ -640,25 +639,6 @@ s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
        hw->bus.type = ixgbe_bus_type_internal;
        mac->ops.get_bus_info = ixgbe_get_bus_info_X550em;

-       if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_X550EM_x) {
-               mac->ops.read_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_read_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
-               mac->ops.write_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_write_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
-               mac->ops.acquire_swfw_sync = ixgbe_acquire_swfw_sync_X550em;
-               mac->ops.release_swfw_sync = ixgbe_release_swfw_sync_X550em;
-               link->ops.read_link = ixgbe_read_i2c_combined_generic;
-               link->ops.read_link_unlocked =
-                               ixgbe_read_i2c_combined_generic_unlocked;
-               link->ops.write_link = ixgbe_write_i2c_combined_generic;
-               link->ops.write_link_unlocked =
-                               ixgbe_write_i2c_combined_generic_unlocked;
-               link->addr = IXGBE_CS4227;
-       }
-       if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a) {
-               mac->ops.read_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_read_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
-               mac->ops.write_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_write_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
-               mac->ops.acquire_swfw_sync = ixgbe_acquire_swfw_sync_X550a;
-               mac->ops.release_swfw_sync = ixgbe_release_swfw_sync_X550a;
-       }

        mac->ops.get_media_type = ixgbe_get_media_type_X550em;
        mac->ops.setup_sfp = ixgbe_setup_sfp_modules_X550em;
@@ -669,10 +649,6 @@ s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)

        if (mac->ops.get_media_type(hw) == ixgbe_media_type_copper)
                mac->ops.setup_fc = ixgbe_setup_fc_generic;
-       else if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_X550EM_a) {
-               mac->ops.setup_fc = ixgbe_setup_fc_x550a;
-               mac->ops.fc_autoneg = ixgbe_fc_autoneg_x550a;
-       }
                mac->ops.setup_fc = ixgbe_setup_fc_X550em;

@@ -706,6 +682,65 @@ s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)

+*  ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_a - Inits func ptrs and MAC type
+*  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+*  Initialize the function pointers and for MAC type X550EM_a.
+*  Does not touch the hardware.
+s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_a(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
+       struct ixgbe_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+       s32 ret_val;
+       DEBUGFUNC("ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_a");
+       /* Start with generic X550EM init */
+       ret_val = ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(hw);
+       mac->ops.read_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_read_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
+       mac->ops.write_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_write_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
+       mac->ops.acquire_swfw_sync = ixgbe_acquire_swfw_sync_X550a;
+       mac->ops.release_swfw_sync = ixgbe_release_swfw_sync_X550a;
+       mac->ops.setup_fc = ixgbe_setup_fc_x550a;
+       mac->ops.fc_autoneg = ixgbe_fc_autoneg_x550a;
+       return ret_val;
+*  ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_x - Inits func ptrs and MAC type
+*  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
+*  Initialize the function pointers and for MAC type X550EM_x.
+*  Does not touch the hardware.
+s32 ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_x(struct ixgbe_hw *hw)
+       struct ixgbe_mac_info *mac = &hw->mac;
+       struct ixgbe_link_info *link = &hw->link;
+       s32 ret_val;
+       DEBUGFUNC("ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM_x");
+       /* Start with generic X550EM init */
+       ret_val = ixgbe_init_ops_X550EM(hw);
+       mac->ops.read_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_read_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
+       mac->ops.write_iosf_sb_reg = ixgbe_write_iosf_sb_reg_x550;
+       mac->ops.acquire_swfw_sync = ixgbe_acquire_swfw_sync_X550em;
+       mac->ops.release_swfw_sync = ixgbe_release_swfw_sync_X550em;
+       link->ops.read_link = ixgbe_read_i2c_combined_generic;
+       link->ops.read_link_unlocked = ixgbe_read_i2c_combined_generic_unlocked;
+       link->ops.write_link = ixgbe_write_i2c_combined_generic;
+       link->ops.write_link_unlocked =
+                                     ixgbe_write_i2c_combined_generic_unlocked;
+       link->addr = IXGBE_CS4227;
+       return ret_val;
  *  ixgbe_dmac_config_X550
  *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure

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