05/06/2024 18:59, Ferruh Yigit:
> ELF -> Executable and Linkable Format
> Ethernet -> with an uppercase āEā
> mark -> 'mark' flow action, no need to capitalise
> max -> maximum
> MDIO -> Management Data Input/Output
> MII -> Media-Independent Interface
> XSK -> XDP Socke
ELF -> Executable and Linkable Format
Ethernet -> with an uppercase āEā
mark -> 'mark' flow action, no need to capitalise
max -> maximum
MDIO -> Management Data Input/Output
MII -> Media-Independent Interface
XSK -> XDP Socket. XDP (eXpress Data Path)
Signed-off-by: Fer
Update word list with Marvell specific acronyms.
CPT -> Cryptographic Accelerator Unit
LBK -> Loopback Interface Unit
LMT -> Large Atomic Store Unit
MCAM -> Match Content Addressable Memory
NIX -> Network Interface Controller Unit
NPA -> Network Pool Allocator
NPC -> Network Parser and CAM U
14/05/2021 11:03, Ferruh Yigit:
> GCC -> GNU Compiler Collection
> ID-> Identification/Identity/Identifier
> IP -> Internet Protocol
> QinQ-> IEEE 802.1Q in 802.1Q
> SoC -> System on a chip
> VEB -> Virtual Ethernet Bridge
> Windows ->
> Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit
GCC -> GNU Compiler Collection
ID -> Identification/Identity/Identifier
IP -> Internet Protocol
QinQ-> IEEE 802.1Q in 802.1Q
SoC -> System on a chip
VEB -> Virtual Ethernet Bridge
Windows ->
Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit
Cc: David Marchand
* Added 'SoC'.
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