Here is my +1(binding),
I checked:
[x] Checksum and PGP signature are legitimate.
[x] DISCLAIMER is included.
[x] The source code matches the current release.
[x] No compiled content is included in the source package.
[x] The compilation can be executed without problems.
# wget
Here is my +1(binding)
I checked:
[x] The download link is legal.
[x] The PGP signature are valid.
[x] The source code matches the current release version.
[x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct.
[x] All files carry the necessary protocol header.
[x] The compiled content is not included in
Here is my +1(binding)
I do the following verification.
[x] The download link is legal.
[x] The PGP signature are valid.
[x] The source code matches the current release version.
[x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct.
[x] All files carry the necessary protocol header.
[x] The compiled