Re:[Enhancement] make libhdfs3 compatible with hdfs2 server (PR #15)

2022-12-06 Thread Mingyu Chen
Done, And all doc has been updated. -- 此致!Best Regards 陈明雨 Mingyu Chen Email: At 2022-12-07 10:33:00, "junling du" wrote: >Hi all, > >I have merge a pr to libhdfs3 for make libhdfs3 compatible with hdfs2 >server. >And want to put a tag libhdfs3-v2.3.4 on the curren

[Enhancement] make libhdfs3 compatible with hdfs2 server (PR #15)

2022-12-06 Thread junling du
Hi all, I have merge a pr to libhdfs3 for make libhdfs3 compatible with hdfs2 server. And want to put a tag libhdfs3-v2.3.4 on the current the branch libhdfs3. It is just a tag on libhdfs3 instead of release. https://githu